Category: Quarantine Tales

RWJMS Quarantine Stories Featuring M2 Jake Drobner

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“For many reasons, it’s a strange time to be alive. There are so many questions without answers right now, and heartbreaking news often feels inescapable. I find it challenging to come to terms with our new normal, and I find it easy to be demoralized as quarantine continues to be extended indefinitely, weeks blurring into months. There has been (and will be) an unfathomable amount of loss this year. However, I think it’s important to remember that eventually, like all other things, this too shall pass. Sometimes you need to slow down in order to speed up, and I think quarantine is an opportunity to do things that we may have felt too busy to do before. This is a chance to examine our collective priorities, support our communities, and commit to making more meaningful choices. I’m very lucky to be safe, healthy, and comfortable, so I’m going to close some of the mental tabs that keep me up at night, engage with simple joys in life (like this puzzle!), and focus on developing healthier habits for the future.”

RWJMS Quarantine Stories Featuring M2 (that’s right! He just finished M1) Mike Nicolaro


“The transition into “quarantine life” has had quite a bit of a learning curve when it comes to my student roles. As a communications chair for the Promise Clinic, our team was suddenly thrust into the world of telemedicine. Losing almost half of our Spanish interpreters to Dedicated and graduation has not made this easier! However, the RWJ community has come together and worked hard to create a system that has gone above and beyond in order to tackle the needs of our patients. I know that when I answer that clinic phone, I can be a resource and voice of comfort for the patients we work with. As Housing Director for the incoming M1s, I again find myself working to come up with creative solutions to address the needs of our students as our world changes by the day. Balancing these roles while finishing out the academic year has certainly been a challenge. I am fortunate to have been well supported by those around me: my family, my teams, and my peers. I think we all find ourselves leaning on our neighbors a bit more these days, and that’s alright. With my first year of medical school coming to a close, I feel gratitude for this support, and I feel hope and strength as we collectively work to overcome whatever changes are still to come.”

RWJMS Quarantine Stories Featuring M2 Nicole Altomare


“One of my favorite sayings is “grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference.” Over the past 2 weeks my ability to live by those words was really tested. On my first day of dedicated I found out that my Step 1 exam was canceled. My natural reaction was to worry and think about everything that could go wrong. After things calmed down a bit I realized that was something I couldn’t control and the best thing was to figure out what I could do. So, I rescheduled my exam, reorganized my study plan, and took control of the situation in any way I could. Although this situation is far from ideal, I’m glad it wasn’t worse. As doctors we will have to roll with the punches and I think the M2 class has been doing a great job with that. Stay healthy everyone!”

Quarantine Comics

RWJMS M2 student Shari Bodofsky provides a little artistic humor during these difficult times by drawing comics. She mentions that amongst the madness of COVID-19, virtual med school, and Step 2 studying, she enjoys creating her comics during study breaks!

You can see more of her comics and other art on her Instagram page @fresh_crayons_art

thoughts from a lonely skunk
Thoughts from a lonely skunk
corona fashion
I used to draw comics for my school newspaper…apparently I haven’t changed much since then. Here’s some fashion looks to keep you looking spiffy 2020 😉
toilet paper comic
The real star of this pandemic: toilet paper.
the social distancing moose
Be like the social distancing moose, keep yourself and others safe
corona in the coop color
So why did the chicken self quarantine?

RWJMS Quarantine Tales Featuring M1 Stephanie Corsetti


“I’ve been focusing on patience with myself during this quarantine. Even though I’m home all the time, it feels like somehow I actually have less time to get things done. I am dividing my time between playing with my kids, trying to have quality time with my partner, studying, cooking and baking. Since I’m home, I feel more obligated to make my family and taking care of them a priority, which has been difficult to balance against my guilt for putting off some studying time. I just am focusing on doing the best I can each day, and spending time where I feel I need to for that second, minute or hour. Quick study breaks for snuggles and kisses has been a major perk, as well as getting my older son in on helping me bake or cook. My partner has been really aware of my stress and really is a partner in the truest sense of the word, helping me keep balanced and sane.”